The POGO PJ Party “Leap into the Wild” took place at the stunning heritage event venue The Symes. Guests dressed down you could say into comfortable and creative nightwear for this signature fundraiser for the Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario (POGO). This marks some 40 years of providing financial assistance to families so they can pay out-of-pocket costs associated with their child’s treatment, of which there are many.
Back to the pajama story. Many years ago, POGO Chief Development Officer, Lynn Wilson had the brilliant idea of attacting younger people by changing things up from the usual formal sit down dinner. Hospital staff understand that children responded better not seeing hospital gowns, but more familiar pj’s. What a surprise, everyone liked the idea and changing yearly themes .
This annual POGO PJ Party has raised $1.8 Million since its inception in 2017. Since the event was held on a leap year, the title made sense, Leap into the Wild and the night successfully generated over $366,000 towards supporting kids with cancer across Ontario .
A true leap of faith !
Thanks to Kelly Zorzi and POGO for our invitation to attend.