Terra Bruce Productions brought “Let’s Dance ! The Musical” to the gorgeous Elgin Winter Garden Theatre for a limited run August 11th to the 20th. Show producer, Walter Schroeder was inspired by the early 60’s as the golden age of teen dances when all the hits on the radio featured up-beat songs- many about the dance crazes of the time, most notably, the Twist. Yes, a time of innocence before the British Invasion or later psychedelic era
These are the hits performed by a young and already very accomplished cast who not only sing so well, but also display incredible choreography. We have basically seen this sort of a story line before. It is 1963 when a high school is putting on a show and the teachers and students do not agree on many aspects.
Cast leads, Lucianno DeCicco plays Marco, while Mikayla Stradiotto is Sophia. Both have vocal ranges that are unreal and can they cut a rug centre stage. Out of our sight, Paul Moody conducts a live band behind the curtain so the show provides a live high-energy soundscape for the singing and dancing towards some 2 hours. Our thanks to Paula McLean at DM Public for the invitation to opening night and the cast after-party.