The Masquerade Ball

The Masquerade Ball was presented in a Great Gatsby theme October 26th at Casa Loma supporting the mission of CoMkids since 1998 by connecting educators with students and then improve digital literacy by providing laptop computers and other life tools. Who would not want to dress up for such a great cause at the castle with a vintage Rolls at the front door for selfies. This was not the usual sit-down dinner with the predictable live auction and so on. From the moment guests entered the castle, they were greated by strolling musicians and wait staff with trays of appetizers . Food stations were featured throughout and the dancing went on to late in the night. Although not a Halloween event, some great moments took place when several frightening characters crashed the gala from the Legends of Horror experience that ran outdoors the month of October. Our thanks to Jennifer Bassett and Bassett Events for the invite.