CNIB Finer Things

CNIB Finer Things held March 26th at Artscape Wychwood Barns, was the name of the annual fundraiser this time, with a wine tasting theme. CNIB ambassador Ben Mulroney welcomed guests back after 3 long years without an in-person event for this organization that celebrated their centenary year, again at Wychwood Barns several years ago.

Special guest speakers reminded us that some 25,000 charities were lost during the pandemic, not to return. The need is still strong to increase the public understanding of blindness with a new program called “The Way Forward”.

This is a 5 year plan to remove barriers wherever and whenever possible, make door to door journeys easier and to recognize that children with sight loss are the future leaders for CNIB. This was an exciting event in an historic venue. A highlight was a virtual performance by Canadian opera singer Measha Brueggergosman-Lee. Even the wine tasting aspect was unique by offering masks, creating dim vision to highten the senses of taste and smell. Not everyone joined in, but it was a creative message just the same. Our thanks to Karin McCarthur for the invitation to cover this event.

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